- Monday 09:00 - 16:00
- Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
- Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
- Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
- Friday 09:00 - 16:00
- Sunday CLOSED
Why choose Lincolnshire Stone?
Stone flooring has long been a luxurious floor covering it’s benefits are vast. Working as a terrific (some say the best) conductor of heat with under floor heating systems in the winter and keeping your property nice and cool in the summer, it is no wonder it continues to be highly fashionable and popular for home builders or renovators.
Installation, sealing and maintenance is key and under our instructions we can make your new limestone floor last a lifetime. Indeed getting the finish right is also crucial a limestone floor should always be in keeping with your property for example a Pillowed Aged limestone floor can look great in a period property we are always on hand to help you make the right choice to make sure your final decision is the correct one.
Our limestone is for the most part neutral in colour and tends to lend itself to many designers or home owners colour schemes and ideas. Something about the look of our flooring makes it sit well in almost any English property unlike many imported stones it looks English and full of character and charm.
Lincolnshire stone has long been famous for it’s hard wearing and low porous nature making it ideal for almost all applications throughout the home from bathroom walls to kitchen floors.
If you are building or currently restoring a family home and need some further information, please do not hesitate in contacting Lincolnshire Limestone Flooring on 01780 740970 or by using the contact form here.
We quarry our limestone locally and so it is most eco-friendly and ethical limestone’s available in the UK today, for more details click here.